Podstrona: Description / Rzeszow University of Technology


The Faculty of Chemistry at the Rzeszow University of Technology offers an opportunity to study Chemical Technology, specialization Organic and polymer technology at the MSc level. The graduate acquires broadened knowledge (as compared to that of the 1st cycle) on the topics in contemporary chemistry and chemical engineering, particularly the speciality of own choice. The graduate is prepared to carry out research and development activities within the selected speciality, namely on catalysis, chemical and engineering principles of industrial processes, modelling and designing its paths, naming possibilities of its modernization, developing technologies in cooperation with specialists in other fields of engineering and implementing them into industrial practice. While the studies one becomes familiar with the rules of environmental protection and sustainable growth as well as learns to solve technical problems of production under legal, economic, and/or ethical constraints. The graduate is trained to work with and lead a group of people. The programme prepares a student to undertake its own business activity or become an employee in industry, research & development units or in administration and managing offices. The student is taught to carry on with permanent self education to improve professional knowledge. Studies can be commenced on the 3rd cycle of university education by joining doctoral studies.

The course is leaded by well qualified lecturers of the Faculty of Chemistry.

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