Podstrona: Research and Development Laboratory for Aerospace Materials / Rzeszow University of Technology

Research and Development Laboratory for Aerospace Materials



Research and Development Laboratory for Aerospace Materials is an independent department located in the Dept. of Materials Science within the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics. The lab will carry on research and development tasks concerning directly new material technologies introduced in WSK "PZL-Rzeszów" and other companies associated in AERONET "Aviation Valley". Research activity will involve scientists teams from several Polish universities of technology and research institutes. In the first stage of operation the activity will concentrate on directional solidification of nickel based superalloys, heat and creep resistant coatings on aircraft turbine engines elements and high speed machining (HSM). Modern equipment of the lab is used for testing of mechanical properties of materials, investigation of phase transformations and microstructure of the alloys (light microscopy, SEM, TEM) and examination of alloys thermodynamics. The lab will also create the opportunity for students, PhD students and engineers to become familiar with advanced material and technologies.




ul. Wincentego Pola 2
35-959 Rzeszów
tel.: (48)(17) 865-11-12, 854-47-91
fax: 854-48-32
e-mail: jansien@prz.rzeszow.pl


Prof. Jan Sieniawski, DSc 

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